Blanca Peak

5/5 (18 reviews)
Known to be one of the most dangerous and extreme roads Colorado has to offer, Blanca Peak will test both driver and vehicle ability while relentlessly stealing every last drop of mental focus one has to offer. This high-clearance 4wd route is a mix of dangerous obstacles and incredible beauty, all ...Read More
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Highlights of Blanca Peak

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Iconic Category IconIconic
Rock Category IconRock
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
12185 ft
Shape of Trail
Out & Back
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Fort Garland
Management Agency
Rio Grande National Forest
Conejos Peak Ranger District


Known to be one of the most dangerous and extreme roads Colorado has to offer, Blanca Peak will test both driver and vehicle ability while relentlessly stealing every last drop of mental focus one has to offer. This high-clearance 4wd route is a mix of dangerous obstacles and incredible beauty, all while trekking through the shadows of three, 14,000+ foot peaks. This trail is not for the inexperienced nor the ill-equipped. This mountain has claimed the lives of numerous unfortunate and unprepared individuals. Do not add your name to that list by underestimating this road. Drivers must traverse five major named obstacles in order of appearance... Jaws 1, Jaws 2, Jaws 2.5, Jaws 3, and Jaws 4. All the major obstacles are created from the skeletal granite bones of the mountain and present a high probability of rollover. This trail is very popular for hikers. Due to the slow pace on the trail, if you start the trail at the same time as a hiker group, it is very likely you will all end up at the end together, or they may even beat you. 33'' tires, a winch, and at least one differential locker are highly recommended for this trail.

Trail Difficulty and Assessment

Trail Guide Overview
11 Waypoints
35 Trail Photos
3 Trail Concerns
18 Community Reviews
1 Video
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