FR 222A

3.7/5 (4 reviews)
Located in the Coconino National Forest, FR 222A travels through a dense Ponderosa Pine forest, the largest in North America. It also traverses a land formed by ancient volcanos. The ragged gray edges of lava flows can be seen through the thick trees. But it isn't until the forest opens up that y...Read More
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Highlights of FR 222A

Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
7596 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
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Nearest Services
Management Agency
Coconino National Forest
Flagstaff Ranger District


Located in the Coconino National Forest, FR 222A travels through a dense Ponderosa Pine forest, the largest in North America. It also traverses a land formed by ancient volcanos. The ragged gray edges of lava flows can be seen through the thick trees. But it isn't until the forest opens up that you see the myriad of peaks and cinder cones that dominate this unique part of Arizona. Views like this come at a price. Here a small but severe forest fire in 2000 denuded the landscape but opened impressive views. Imagining this as a land of violent volcanic activity is difficult when nestled in a peaceful campsite listening to the soothing wind in the tops of the pines interrupted only by the plaintive bugling of a bull elk. But the last volcanic activity in the area happened a thousand years ago, just a blink of an eye in geologic time. FR222A provides the perfect setting for enjoying peacefulness while pondering the violent past.

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23 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
4 Community Reviews
1 Video
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