If a shortcut to some of the best camping on the Mogollon Rim sounds good, take FR 218A to Milk Ranch Point, with its many campsites right on the edge of the Rim. But slow down to enjoy the short drive along this pretty trail. Nestled in the soaring Ponderosa Pines of the vast Coconino National Forest, FR 218A is lined with sun-loving New Mexico Locusts, a tree that produces light pink clusters of flowers in late Spring and early Summer. FR 218A also offers prime camping, just in case the sites on the Rim are already taken. It isn't unusual to hear elk bugging in late Summer and early Fall. Wild turkeys may gobble near your camp in the late afternoons and early mornings. The breeze singing through the high branches of the tall pines can soothe the most frayed of nerves. Swing a hammock between two trees and relax.