FR 203A

4/5 (2 reviews)
This trail has a little bit of everything! As the trail starts to gain elevation, it traverses across the face of a ridgeline, with steep sides. It enables wonderful views to the east over Cherry Creek, and beyond to the Apache Tribal Lands. The drive up the mountain face is not difficult, but it...Read More
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Highlights of FR 203A

Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Overland Category IconOverland
Rock Category IconRock
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
5062 ft
Shape of Trail
Out & Back
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Tonto National Forest
Tonto Basin Ranger District


This trail has a little bit of everything! As the trail starts to gain elevation, it traverses across the face of a ridgeline, with steep sides. It enables wonderful views to the east over Cherry Creek, and beyond to the Apache Tribal Lands. The drive up the mountain face is not difficult, but it can raise the hairs on the back of your neck. The sides are steep and impressive, and it is surprising to see this terrain suddenly. The trail continues up onto the ridgeline and is really fun to drive. This next section is more hard-pack earth (muddy in the rainy season) and open to the sky. It has a bit of an Overlanding feel to it, and it leaves you wanting more. There are several trails that lead off to beautiful scenic views and ancient ruins to satisfy your adventure. Off in the distance, you can see the Mogillan Rim and you can anticipate what the hiking trails will be at the end of the road. It is beautiful to see. In the last section, the vegetation consists mainly of scrub oak, sagebrush, and yucca. It's a high desert type of landscape. During the spring, the landscape is alive with plant growth, and bees are buzzing everywhere. It's a great time to run the trail!

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Trail Guide Overview
6 Waypoints
20 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
2 Community Reviews
1 Video
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