If you have ever visited Phoenix, Arizona in the summertime, you probably know why it is the air conditioning capital of the U.S. It's during these months when most Phoenicians look at any outdoor activity as nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment, so it shouldn't surprise readers to know that we are always thinking of ways of escaping the heat by invading the northern portion of this great state. The problem is that many of us don't have the luxury to visit Flagstaff or Pinetop for an extended period of time. Fortunately, there is a quick solution, and that is a brief trip to this very easy trail located in the Tonto National Forest. Now if you are looking for a challenging trail, this isn't your route. The trail is comfortably graded, and the most serious danger you will encounter is probably the complacency you will feel when driving faster than you would on more technical trails. That being said, this trail isn't without reward. You will be greeted by a gorgeous view of the expansive Tonto wilderness, all the while experiencing 20-30º cooler temperature than the pits of hell.... I mean Phoenix. The top of Mt. Ord is a great spot for sunset watching, date night, or even camping. There are many campsites available throughout the trail, and they are typically empty. This trail also offers excellent stargazing and astronomy photography spots. The trail is pretty short - it only took me thirty minutes to make it to the top, so next time you have a couple hours to burn and don't feel like prepping your recovery equipment, head up ASR 87 and check out Mt. Ord.