Pit Overlook (4W321), nestled within the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, is a captivating 4.5-mile-long trail that forms a part of the Liberty Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) park. This scenic route offers a delightful journey through the forest, with gentle variations in elevation keeping the ride exciting yet manageable. As you traverse along Pit Overlook, you'll be treated to breathtaking views that extend to the south, revealing the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. However, one notable feature that adds an element of thrill to the experience is the off-camber shelf road, which can be intimidating. With its sideways tilt, this winding road might make your heart skip a beat, but it also adds a sense of adventure to the journey. Despite the exhilarating moments, Pit Overlook remains an enchanting trail that showcases the beauty of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and provides OHV enthusiasts with a memorable offroading experience.