Beef Basin East

4.7/5 (7 reviews)
Beef Basin East offers nonstop scenic delights as it winds from the sandstone desert below Bridger Jack Mesa to the alpine spruce, pines, and aspens of the Abajo Mountains. Rock climbers flock to the area around the trailhead to scale the many sheer claret sandstone buttes. Cathedral Butte and Bou...Read More
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Highlights of Beef Basin East

Camping Category IconCamping
Desert Category IconDesert
Forest Category IconForest
Overland Category IconOverland
Scenic Category IconScenic
Highest Elevation
8249 ft
Shape of Trail
Straight Through
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Bureau of Land Management, Manti-La Sal National Forest
Monticello Field Office


Beef Basin East offers nonstop scenic delights as it winds from the sandstone desert below Bridger Jack Mesa to the alpine spruce, pines, and aspens of the Abajo Mountains. Rock climbers flock to the area around the trailhead to scale the many sheer claret sandstone buttes. Cathedral Butte and Boundary Mountain stand eternal watch over the long and often dusty trail. Massive, spectacular, and imposing, Salt Canyon drops away to the north with breathtaking viewpoints dotted along the trail. Only the hardiest venture down on foot. The saner travelers choose to camp along the rim and enjoy the colorful splendor below. Narrow winding shelf roads offer vast, unimpeded views and a little pucker factor for drivers and passengers. Climbing higher, the trail bids goodbye to the sandstone desert's reds and buffs dotted with its juniper and salt brush and bids hello to the cool, lush forest of pine, spruce, fir, aspens, and bigtooth maples of Abajo Mountains. Deer and elk haunt the edges of the open meadows. Cool evenings demand a warm coat and invite a flickering campfire. Other trails beg to be explored. Life is good along this scenic track.

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Trail Guide Overview
26 Waypoints
80 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
7 Community Reviews
1 Video
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