Strawberry Ridge

3.4/5 (16 reviews)
Situated high in the Wasatch Mountains near Daniel's Summit lies this incredible off-road trail. Taking you from the Hobble Creek Canyon area over to Strawberry Reservoir, this route has no shortage of photographic opportunities, miles of side trails, and endless spots to park and spend some time un...Read More
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Highlights of Strawberry Ridge

Altitude Category IconAltitude
Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Forest Category IconForest
Highest Elevation
9509 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
07/01 - 11/30
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest
Heber-Kamas Ranger District


Situated high in the Wasatch Mountains near Daniel's Summit lies this incredible off-road trail. Taking you from the Hobble Creek Canyon area over to Strawberry Reservoir, this route has no shortage of photographic opportunities, miles of side trails, and endless spots to park and spend some time under the stars. Its relative distance from civilization makes this a popular trail in the summer, while providing snowmobiling opportunities in the winter. With the reservoir so close, this is a popular trail for water-goers to run all weekend with their basecamp set up down by the lake. If you are looking for a little more seclusion, head over to the first portion of this trail where you are less likely to see another soul all day long. Camping options are endless from towing a trailer to hanging from the trees in a hammock. Once you reach the ridge line, you will be treated with views for miles ranging from Mount Timpanogos to the west, Strawberry Peak directly to the north, and Square Top Mountain to the east towering over Strawberry Reservoir. Whatever reason you have for visiting this area, this trail surely is not one to miss with such incredible views in a small amount of driving.

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Trail Guide Overview
17 Waypoints
53 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
16 Community Reviews
1 Video
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