Kasecamp Road

4/5 (2 reviews)
Kasecamp Road is a hidden gem that boasts a variety of fascinating attractions. The Stickpile Tunnel and remnants of the old Greenridge railway harken back to the area's past as a massive apple orchard, providing visitors with a glimpse into its rich history. During the summer, the mouth of the tunn...Read More
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Highlights of Kasecamp Road

Beginner Category IconBeginner
Camping Category IconCamping
Scenic Category IconScenic
Water Category IconWater
Highest Elevation
664 ft
Shape of Trail
Typically Open
Year Round
Best Direction
Official Trail Name
Kasecamp Road
Nearest Town
Nearest Services
Management Agency
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Green Ridge State Forest


Kasecamp Road is a hidden gem that boasts a variety of fascinating attractions. The Stickpile Tunnel and remnants of the old Greenridge railway harken back to the area's past as a massive apple orchard, providing visitors with a glimpse into its rich history. During the summer, the mouth of the tunnel exudes a cool, refreshing breeze. The nearby C&O Canal, which winds its way alongside the Potomac River, is a popular spot for camping and offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. The gentle flow of the Potomac is ideal for paddling and exploring the area with loved ones. With a bit of patience, one can spot various wildlife, including turtles basking in the sun on logs along the canal and majestic Bald Eagles perched on the banks of the river. Keep your eyes peeled, as you might even glimpse a secretive black bear.

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Trail Guide Overview
14 Waypoints
44 Trail Photos
1 Trail Concerns
2 Community Reviews
1 Video
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